Sunday, March 22, 2009


You can tell it is heating up down here, because the hijos keep asking me for water, water, and more water (and yeah, most of the time Mac asks for chocolate milk first, then, after being denied, he settles for water). But we are thirsty.

Both figruatively and literally.

Carter has an insatiable thirst for knowledge of how things work. This morning, as we were awakened by a blur of full-throttle, rather-one-sided conversation from an alert Cart, Matt mumbled, "Does he ever stop talking?"

For instance, the other day, Carter and I were talking about how he and Mac were born early . The gears started churning in that 5-year-old-going-on-30 brain of his, and the following was the resulting conversation:

Carter: Mom, what if a baby decides it doesn't want to come out of the mom's tummy?

Me: Well, then the mom gets really sore and grouchy, and her body pushes it out. (*Note* Heretofore, Carter has (reasonably) believed that all babies come out via c-section. That nice and tidy explanation worked for me up till now . . .)

Carter: But why? And how?

Me: Well, when it was time for you to come out, the doctor cut my tummy and just took you out.

Carter: But what if the doctor isn't there to cut the mom's tummy?

Me: Well, sometimes the daddy has to help.

Carter: How? Does he cut the mommy's tummy with a knife?

Me: Um, I guess he could, but . . .

Carter: Really? Could Dad do it? What knife would he use, mom? Show me which knife in our kitchen he would use to get the baby out.

Me: Ok, well, the reality is, Carter, that most babies don't come out through a mom's tummy. Lots of times they come out between a mom's legs.

Carter: Where she goes to the bathroom?!?!?!

Me: Yes, but--


And that was the end of that.


Pat said...

That answer may still be the same in 10 years. I'd be happy to answer his medical questions.

Annemarie said...

he he..

I had that EXACT conversation with M & Z when I was pregnant with Sam. They went from tears to hysterical laughter (even falling off of the bed) in a matter of seconds. Gheesh.

Blanck said...

Phew now you can turn the birds and the bees talk over to Matt. Clearly they don't take you seriously.

Keri Cannon said...

I love it! That's a classic conversation. Can I move to sunny Arizona? I'm so sick of the cold weather!

MegT said...

I never told my kids with Norah. Couldn't do it. We just "The doctor takes it out. Aren't doctors amazing?" I didn't want to tell Grace the truth and have her stop telling me how excited she is to be a mom.