Argh, these be the fiercest pirates in the desert!
For most of Halloween, my boys were "cap'ns."
Mac is one scurvy dog. He walks around all day lately muttering "Shiver me timbers!"
At Carter's school party, we made Oreo and licorice spider cookies.
**see cookie in background**

Mac was not impressed with the licorice part.

Kazoos. Awesome. Every mom's dream. It was a long 25 minute ride home. :)

At a cousin Halloween party, the
boys made some sweet ice cream concoctions.

Delish, right?
For the record, Carter ate his entire bowl.
We carved a scary pirate skull
(of course)
Funny story: That night, when Mac refused to touch his dinner (for the second night in a row), I threatened to not let him help carve the pumpkin and send him straight to bed.
To my surprise,
He said, "Good idea, Mom." And went to bed.
I failed to remember that when they
We carved a scary pirate skull
(of course)
on our very large pumpkin.

To my surprise,
He said, "Good idea, Mom." And went to bed.
I failed to remember that when they
had carved a pumpkin at school,
Mac said, "That's disgusting" and refused to go anywhere near
Mac said, "That's disgusting" and refused to go anywhere near
the pumpkin guts.