Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shiver Me Timbers!

Argh, these be the fiercest pirates in the desert!
For most of Halloween, my boys were "cap'ns."

Mac is one scurvy dog. He walks around all day lately muttering "Shiver me timbers!"

At Carter's school party, we made Oreo and licorice spider cookies.
**see cookie in background**

Mac was not impressed with the licorice part.

Kazoos. Awesome. Every mom's dream. It was a long 25 minute ride home. :)

At a cousin Halloween party, the
boys made some sweet ice cream concoctions.

Delish, right?

Gummy worms, candy corn, chocolate syrup, oreos, and sprinkles.
For the record, Carter ate his entire bowl.

We carved a scary pirate skull
(of course)
on our very large pumpkin.

Funny story: That night, when Mac refused to touch his dinner (for the second night in a row), I threatened to not let him help carve the pumpkin and send him straight to bed.
To my surprise,
He said, "Good idea, Mom." And went to bed.
I failed to remember that when they
had carved a pumpkin at school,
Mac said, "That's disgusting" and refused to go anywhere near
the pumpkin guts.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Here we go!

Ok, drum roll please ... I finally started a blog.
These first couple of posts will catch us up on what has happened
since we've set up camp in the desert. So here goes:

First, we moved. Muchas gracias to all those who helped move (and clean!) our SLC house.
(You know who you are!)

On the way down, of course, Matt and I parked the semi (with the car being towed behind it) at Matt's brother Todd's house in Provo, and went to see the BYU game.

Then drove until the early am to St. George.
The next day, we stopped to see the kiddos in Flagstaff,
and they were totally impressed with
our new ride.

Since being here, we've had alot of fun--been to lots of parks (not to make you freezin' Utahns jealous, but that is still what we do these days 'round here--I know, I know,
you'll be making fun of me next March through August)

We've also had lots of "playdates" with Nana and Opa and Grammie and Grampy,
and school is great!

Oh, and lots and lots of good bro-to-bro play time.

We miss all y'all in the slightly less deserty desert. Looking forward to hearing from you!