Saturday, February 14, 2009

We {heart} footwear

Happy Valentine's Day to us. And to you too.
To me from Matt:

To Matt from me:
To Carter:

To Mac:

Thursday, February 12, 2009

WANTED . . .

my camera.
Tragically, when we came back from Christmas, one of us misplaced the camera. (I'm not naming names, but the perpetrator is the only person at our house who is not a chocoholic.)

Anyway, I've really been missing my camera the last couple of days because we had a few Kodak moments that alas, I cannot share with the world at large. They shall remain only in my memory.

Here's what you've missed:

  1. Beltman and Pullup Man: Today, about 10 minutes after I made what I thought was a valiant attempt at convincing my kids that they must be clothed to go to the park, they came out of Mac's room ready to go. As Beltman and Pullup Man. Beltman was wearing five belts, a soccer medal, one skeleton glove, and a backwards baseball cap (and underwear--that is it). Pullup Man was wearing a pink swim diaper (Matt bought those last year on accident--for some reason Ariel didn't tip him off that they were for FEMALES), one jazz sweat/wristband, one scuba diving glove, shades, and flips (and that is it). They proudly announced their names and powers. They looked awesome, and they knew it. (p.s., I made them slightly alter their costumes for the park--but only slightly.)

  2. Carrots and Edamame taking a ride in an ambulance. Courtesy of Mac's lunch. They were seated very tidily in the front seat, one carrot stick and one edamame per seat.

  3. A self portrait of the author, NieNie style: Because I have cause to celebrate. Today I met a mom at the park, and as we chatted about our kids, she confessed that when she first saw me, she decided I must be the nanny because I looked too young to be the mother. (Bless that woman.)

  4. A Valentine: Made for me by Carter a few days ago when he told me I was not allowed to come out of my room for 10 minutes. I acquiesed, not knowing what my acquiesence would cost me. When I came out, the house and the brother still looked intact, so I thought no more of it. But yesterday, he announced he could not wait for Valentine's Day to give me my present. He ran to Mac's room and pulled a picture from behind Mac's bed. (*sweet boy*) It is a beautiful likeness of yours truly. Complete with realistic, VERY bloodshot eyeballs. "See the bruises on the eyeballs, Mom? I know that is what eyes look like. I was paying attention."
See, now aren't you sad about my camera, too?