Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My house smells . . .

My mother-in-law owns a cleaning company and sends very friendly cleaning ladies to my house every other week to clean the ENTIRE house.
(Even the sides of the toaster and the INSIDE of the garbage can *sparkle.*)
My boys couldn't be happier (CLEAN-AHOLICS that they are),
and I get to practice my SPANISH for a few hours.
My hydrangeas are a little worse for the wear--either they received a spritz of Windex or they are perishing from the delightful lemony-scented fumes,
but HECK--
My newly mopped floors make me HAPPY.
Hooray for Kathy!


Lindsay said...

are you guys in your new house yet? you need to post some pictures if you are! tell your m-i-l to send some cleaning ladies my way.

Brown Family said...

I am jealous! That would be SO nice :)

Blanck said...

I have a cleaning lady too. ME!!! In fact Alyssa tells people there is a magic fairy at our house that magically places clean clothes in her drawers and a nice made bed with a sparkling toilet. (Okay so the toilet doesn't always sparkle but I do speak Spanish, are you hiring?)
p.s. I won't kill your plants it's just the whole commuting thing...