Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Play Day

This post is a little out of order--should have come before all the halloween stuff. But the pictures were cute enough I had to post it. We found the greatest pumpkin patch--yeah, it took us 45 minutes to get there, but gas is cheaper here. So why not?
Who do you think weighs more? Umm, it's getting pretty close!
Gee, thanks, Mom. I just love being a sunflower.
Follow me, Carter.
Any of you think you could keep up with Carter in a gigantic corn patch?
Wait for me, Carter!

They had a great tractor-barrel-train thing. The boys loved it.
For the record, I took a ride too.
And I was just as nervous as Mac was that we were going to tip over
when he took the sharp turns.
Seriously. I was gripping the sides of my bovine-painted barrel.

Do our faces look pink to you? It was only 95 that day. We were hot, sweaty, dirty, sticky (popsicles) ... and totally happy.

Now we get down to the real point of the trip. The Best Pumpkin Ever.
Checking out the options.

Got it. Now roll up your sleeves, got to get it to the car.

Returning the wagon. And the brother.


Chelsea said...

Yeah we love pictures. That looks like quite the pumpkin patch!

Pat said...

Quality pictures. I'm really excited to see the boys. Just a little physics lesson: the picture is deceptive, it is not really balancing weight, but torques, where Torque = force*distance from pivot point* cos(theta), and force = mass*gravity. A slight difference in position (Mac sitting further from the pivot point) could create a much greater torque and hence have the appearance of weighing more. I'm done geeking out now.